
Student Welfare

Members of staff constantly aim to create a family feeling where adults care for all pupils and pupils care for each other. Constant attention is paid to the health of all pupils.

If any concerns arise, the parents will be notified immediately. It is vital that parents inform the school of any medical problems their children are suffering from, or any other health matters, which may affect the pupils’ performance / attendance in school. Parents are requested to ensure that their daughters have regular eye and dental check-ups.

The Designated Senior Leads for Child Protection are Mrs Zainab Hussain and during her absence, Mrs Rehana Mogra. Should parents and pupils have a safeguarding/child protection concern, they may approach Mrs Hussain, Mrs Mogra or any other member of staff who they feel comfortable with. The school’s procedures are outlined in the Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy, which is available on the website.